Omega uses the Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Achievement to pinpoint skill gaps within specific areas of reading and math. Your student will also receive Omega’s learning style assessment, MyStudyStyle®, to determine their primary learning style (auditory, visual, or tactile) and “Jump Start” their tutoring program. Omega’s comprehensive assessment approach maximizes your investment in a tutoring program.
2. Custom Program
A customized program is developed for your student based on their assessment results, school grades, study habits, and your family goals. Your “Program Emphasis” defines targeted academic areas needing the most improvement and provides the most efficient instructional path to success! Program objectives include solidifying core academic concepts, improving classroom performance, and building important application skills.
3. AIM Tutoring System®
Omega’s AIM Tutoring System® provides the framework for your student’s program, providing both consistency and flexibility to maximize academic growth. Our certified teachers use Omega’s supplemental enrichment-based curriculum, OutpAce®, to fill skill gaps as needed and solidify core academic concepts. Omega tutors send daily progress updates to parents and schoolteachers.

4. Proven Results
Upon program completion, your student will be given a post-assessment. A private parent conference is scheduled to review your student’s academic growth and program success. Our students’ average academic growth is two years after completing our recommended tutoring program.